Monday, July 31, 2017

Do We Need NATO Article 5 Protection from Cyber Attacks?

Article 5 Protection from Cyber Attacks
Wayne D. King

Before his term was up, President Barack Obama is said to have asked DoD cyber experts to insert sleeper viruses into critical Russian systems. These viruses could be activated in the event of future Cyber attacks from the Russians. The US should explore extending the protections of NATO's article 5 to cover cyber attacks. The Russians only seem to respond to strength. If they fear an attack on their defense infrastructure or their grid they will be less likely to continue their efforts to undermine the democratic systems of the US or its allies.
Of course it is likely that will mean that the Russians seek to do the same to the US. However, there is no guarantee that they have not already done this. In essence, until we can reach some accommodation on these matters, it would be a system of "mutually assured cyber-destruction" similar to that employed during the cold war.
Real Presidential leadership would invite the Russians to engage with us in the development of some form of "International Cyber Disarmament" Treaty. I won't hold my breath though.

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