No matter what criticism you listen to regarding the agreement with Iran, currently before the US Congress, the bottom line is that the agreement buys us as much as ten additional years with free markets operating at much more optimal levels. The object lesson of Vietnam following the end of the war there demonstrates that free markets, allowed to operate, bring about change much faster and more effectively than armed conflict.
If one truly believes in the power of the free market whether or not to support this agreement should be a no-brainer: Do we continue down the path toward armed conflict with Iran moving toward the development of a nuclear weapon with a crippling retinue of global sanctions solidifying the power and control of the Mullahs; or, with a little more breathing room, do we unleash the power of the market and our ideas and ideals on the people of Iran and create a wedge that can be driven between the people and the religious zealots.
The Mullahs are not supporting the agreement because they like it, they are supporting it because they are afraid of the power of the people in Iran and they hope to figure out a way to ride out the storm. History is on the side of the peacemakers. Blessed be they.
Recently, through a series of trades and repurchases I have been able to regain control of the edition size of this beautiful image titled "White Horse in a Lupine Dream". I did this because of the number of people who told me they wanted to own a signed original of this particular image but the cost was a bit out of reach for them. In doing this I have been able to increase the number of prints in the edition and lower the cost of a signed original. The signed original is now available at a much more affordable rate of $250. If you are one of those people, here's the link to purchase an original:
I have also created a poster of the image that is available for under $20.00.