In what turned out to be Mr. Rogers meets Young Frankenstein, Jindal spewed all the old tire lines as if he were an amalgamation of Republican corpses dug up, spliced together and shocked to life just after Obama had finished his speech.
Where Obama treated us like Adults, able to understand nuance and to handle the bad news, Jindal treated us like children, and low IQ ones at that. In a showing that brought to mind Mr. Rogers, Jindal treated us to a bunch of silly anecdotes that made no sense, criticized actions of his own party, and then expected us to come around to his point, if we could have figured out what it was.
If Jindal has a future in the Republican party it is only because there's so few people left who believe anything they say that without him they can't even field a team. If it turns out that he made up the story about himself and the sheriff, as Keith Ohlberman suggested last night, he's toast.
"Sledders Return"
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1 comment:
This is where Bobby Jindal got his talking point from:
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