If there are two books that belong together on a bookshelf labeled "Ideas and Ideals" they are Barack Obama's "Audacity of Hope" and Bill Brdley's "New American Story". Both express the necessity for citizens to rise up and compel the political establishment to change the way in which it does business.
That's the first reason why Bill Bradley is the logical choice to head up the department of Health and Human Services and to take the point position on National Healthcare.
The second is that Bradley has all of the assets of Tom Daschle and few, if any, of the liabilities. Well respected by both Democrats and Republicans; Bradley knows how to "work the Hill" and he knows the challenges that lie ahead.
Bradley's depth of understanding and knowledge on Health Care Reform is well known. It was his principle issue in the Democratic nomination process of the 2000 election and Bradley's view was comprehensive and pragmatic.
Furthermore, and this is what separates Bradley from others like Howard Dean, he has the temperment for the job. If there is one aspect of Bill Bradley that more closely mirrors his connection with Barack Obama on political philosophy, it is his temperment. Bradley's cool headedness is a perfect fit for "no-drama Obama".
It may just turn out to be a stroke of good luck that President Obama has been asked to revisit the appointment of HHS Secretary, although it surely can't feel that way at the moment. After all, by the time we are through getting the country out of this recession, getting Americans to think big again on Healthcare is going to be very tough indeed.
"The Peacock"
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