Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Cerberus of Terror

The image of Cerberus, the three headed dog-like monster of Greek mythology who guards the gates of Hell, preventing those condemned there from ever escaping is an apt image for our time. It invokes the fear of terrorism that has so captivated our imaginations and, as a mythological creature, it expresses the likelihood that we will find ourselves its victims.

Yes, it is twice as likely that we will be struck by lightning than by a terrorist. Can you imagine if someone came up with a proposal to spend 10 billion dollars annually to prevent the 29 deaths that occurred  last year from lightning strikes? How would we react to that if it was offered as a proposal by a Presidential candidate? I offer this as a tongue in cheek suggestion, but the numbers are real.

This is not to say that Terrorism should simply be dismissed. Indeed we must take it seriously for the threat that it presents. But we must be clear about the threat it presents.

Terrorism, like the Cerberus, is a three headed beast and we must eliminate all three heads if we are to have peace and justice without sacrificing our freedom in the process. The first two heads are the twin challenges of Isis ("Daesh") and Al Quida.  While they are related, they remain separate challenges and ignoring one while we take the fight to the other is like trying to remove a wrinkle in a rug by pushing on it. The wrinkle simply moves elsewhere.

Despite the bravado of many of the candidates for President and a whole host of Republicans and Democrats, eliminating the twin challenges of Isis and Al Quida will not be easy and will not happen quickly. The more we emphasize violence as a solution the longer it will take.

How we address the challenge depends largely on whether the individuals we seek to reach are already in the "pipeline" or can still learn to dream different dreams. Put another way, it depends on whether hope is still alive or whether the only role models for those we must confront are Bin Laden, the 9-11 terrorists and their ilk. The more we try to "go it alone" or wage war on Islam the longer it will take.

For those already in the pipeline of terror; Those who have already completely rejected values of freedom, equality and opportunity; we have no choice but to confront them in the only language they understand, and with the same uncompromising tone. Resolve must be met with resolve, Violence must be met with violence. Our values must be asserted every bit as forcefully as the values expressed by our enemies.

For those who still can be reached, the vast majority, we must replace dead end dreams with dreams that offer renewal and hope. We must show people all over the planet that we will be there for them when they dream these dreams and this brings us to the third head of the Cerberus of Terror.

We must confront the head of the Cerberus that finds its source among us - expressed through racism, hate and the psychological terror that is the modus operandi of the "Masters of War" who use the violence of the few to justify hatred and the tendency toward violence against the many, without regard to the innocence or guilt.

The first stage of this battle to remove the third head of the Cerberus of Terror may very well be the presidential election of 2016. If the Republicans nominate Donald Trump or Ted Cruise we will surely see an election that presents us with the starkest choice between the dark forces that will lead us into unending conflict and those who will face this challenge as Americans have faced similar challenges in the past - with resolve and a firm eye on the values that have made us the beacon of hope to the world.



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