George Will has always been the "thinking person's conservative" and this commentary demonstrates why. However, for some of the neocons who have taken the position that Obama is not being forceful enough their rhetoric is far more insidious than merely "foolish", as this implies that they do not know what they are doing. I believe they know exactly what they are doing and, given the gravity of the danger to US interests inherent in their approach, it borders on sedition.
Paul Wolfewicz and his ilk are in large part responsible for the tar baby that is Iraq and now they seek to further entangle us in the quagmire of the Middle East.
There is always room for genuine disagreement on these matters, and President Obama has been criticized by those from both the left and the right, most of whom would fall into the "foolish comments" category. Not so the Neocons who once again would endanger the long term interests of the United States in order to advanced their own short term political objectives.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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