Monday, March 9, 2009

Open Letter to the Republican Traitors (From a Former Republican)

I understand and feel Frank Schaeffers rage. In many ways he is spot on correct with the things he says here. However, his anger dilutes the power of his message. He lowers himself to the level of a Michele Bachman or an Ann Coulter by using the same inflammatory language that has marginalized their impact on the political dialog.

I'm a former elected Democrat who lost a race for Governor in that fateful 1994 election that began the Republicans ascent to total control of the Federal Government, so I have some personal experience on these matters.

Republicans deserve to cook in the stew that they made, but they are not Anti-American; they are not traitors. They are misguided, unfair, uncooperative, elitist, arrogant, and deserve to spend some time in the political wilderness; But in the end, in the best interest of America, we need them to succeed in the painful process of rebuilding their party. hopefully as a more diverse, tolerant and cooperative party.

The marketplace of ideas is strongest when two strong parties compete for the hearts and minds of the American people. The current fix we are in is largely from a single six year period when the Republicans controlled everything and had carte blanche to re-caste America in the Republican image. Democrats would do well to remember this and not to create the mirror image in their zeal to take advantage of their current authority.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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