If you've been cruising the web trying to find information on the specifics of the Stimulus Package, you've likely been cursing all those pundits who talk and talk and talk but never take the time to tell you how to follow the progress of the plan.
Here's a few tips to help:
1. Recovery.gov
Put this website at the top of your favorites for later. Right now you won't find anything there except an introduction, but in an unprecedented effort to keep government accountable as we try and find our way out of this mess, the Obama administration has set up this website where all Americans will be able to go and keep up with the progress of the effort after the stimulus package passes.
2. LIS.gov
Right now the Library of Congress, legislative services site will take you directly to HR1 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as it is currently written in the House of Representatives and S1 The Senate Version. The Senate version is a bit harder to find but by following the menu links to the Senate and the "Active Legislation" link on the Senate page you will get to S1. Links to both the House and Senate versions are included as live links below.
By the way - for teachers, professors and others looking to use the crisis as a teachable moment, the Library of Congress also has a special section called Resources for Teachers. Its a general resource so you won't find specific teaching aids related to the Stimulus package but you will find information that will help to make the process much more understandable.
HR1 House Version
S1 Senate Version
For those unfamiliar with how a bill becomes a law, the two bodies will pass their respective versions and then a committee of conference (sometimes known as a compromise committee) will be appointed to craft the final version that both bodies must endorse before the final bill goes to the President for his signature.
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